Wednesday, March 28

700 oil disasters in 10 years

Follow THIS LINK to a CBC special concerning the proposed northern gateway pipeline.

There are some inaccuracies
1) it's not an 'oil pipeline'
     - the proposed twin pipeline ships bitumen (east - west) and condensate (west - east).
    - bitumen is thick and sludgy, and thinned with the condensate to flow through the pipes.
    - The Kalamazoo River disaster was due to the corosive qualities of bitumen on enbridge pipes
          - this spill totalled over 100 million BARRELS (50 gallons) of bitumen.

2) Enbridge hasn't claimed tanker traffic safe
     - There is reason to believe that once the bitumen leaves the shore, it is no longer enbridge's responsibility. this is something to be looked into.

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