Friday, September 21

false choices

false choices permeate my life.

even this bicycle imbued with contradiction.
I value drinking water - and another person's water is comprimised by the mining, refining, and fabrication of this steel frame, these ball bearings, this rubber, leather, or grease, it is mother water, mother earth.

Even in a bicycle there is grief
and that's ok. it's time we collectively slow down and bring our whole selves to our lives
It's ok.
let's start by accepting everything the way it is.
And in this simple action of acceptance we become able to make change

Every action
Every way we conduct ourselves is a choice
and today I will stop assuming the false choices and bring my whole self to the ever present decision of how I choose to conduct myself through this life,
this one life

for who knows....

1 comment:

fern louise Ritchie said...

this is beautifully put Ben, and resonates fully with time and place of now. As ever, thank-you for your reflections and words that find me when I am most in need for something to calm my restless mind!