Wednesday, September 12

the fall sun

they would ask her for healing, and if it were spring time they would help her plant the garden. Summer time they would help tend the crops. During the fall the beans would need shucking, the dry corn, the squash.

During the winter they would speak while sharing meals and keeping warm.

The most significant things we can accomplish are also the most simple, in a way.
The beans, the corn, the seeds.

rattlesnake pole beans

The seeds are also the most complex. Plant's memory. Plant's language.

Just as he spent those years on the trapline to meet himself again after those years of school. After being taken apart. These simple tasks become complex when we allow our whole selves to become a part of the task - a part of the experience.

To resensitize to what it means to be alive.

Cultivate these opportunities in your life so that you become larger, growing out of your body into the water, soil and air. into the plants and animals, into the sun

one day, I pray, we will look at the sun together and see ourselves..

barley left - oats right

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