Friday, October 19


standing at the birth place of this watershed

mountain whispered wind ()
and that
consciousness materialized like a thunderhead birthed by breath

boots on august snow
gifting that mountain eloquence wrapped in beautiful words
i found the task as light as a feather
and just as powerful

for the winds of gratitude can lift stones from earth
just as winter wind freezes water in a crevice causing a crack

and that's how it was
thanking mountain for being
brought my gratitude to wind
as alive as she is on my skin

and her traumatic breaking power
patiently reducing mountain into that
periodic table of the elements


carried by water over landscapes
to forests and gardens that
nourish this body
that carried me to say
- thanks -


Do that everyday
First Thing
she would say


we would gather in that frigid blackness before dawn
in ceremony, in preparation
creating beauty
to help him rise


it was years before i realized that ceremony is what you do.
ceremony is no one thing, but the wind inside our voices when we speak eloquence
our words of gratitude


do that everyday
First Thing
she would say


that mountain whispered wind into
consciousness and I watched these thoughts closely
to catch them on this page

Robson Glacier 2012


Marilyn J said...

Truly ceremony is in our breath, in our intention to really be here, to celebrate, to notice, to realign with our goddness ( was going to write goodness!!)Thank you, Marilyn

Marilyn J said...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading some of your pieces, keep the flow, MJ

Benjamin said...

Thanks for your kind words Marilyn.