Friday, April 12

this 'environmental crisis'

This environmental crisis
seems to be a symptom of
a philosophical crisis
whereby we prioritize comfort
over health.


The systems aren't broken.
these ways of interacting with
the planet, people, plants, animals
are functioning exactly as designed.

For example
money was never meant to
democratize wealth. Horizontal power
and environmental stewardship has
better realized in the markets and
potlatches where everybody participated
in the productive economy.

Money functions to concentrate wealth,
and does so profoundly effectively.

the system isn't broken,
so it doesn't need fixing
we need to replace it with
new ways of thinking that reveal
the choices available in the ways we
think, relate, and behave.

Beyond carbon taxes and other
strategies that mitigate our impact
let us live beneficial lives for each other
and the planet.

Is our living a benefit to the places we live?

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