Monday, June 11

It didn't have to happen the ways it did

People have lived with these waters
with these trees
with these animals
for a long time.

Guolahan hosted us in this place
where grandfathers of grandmothers ....
have participated in the seasons
surviving, thriving, in this place

looking south west from Bulkley house

It didn't have to happen the ways that it did
the newcomers that brought whiskey and took a generation
after generation
after generation

It didn't have to happen the ways that it did
but it did.
We lived that week
on this land
understanding the intimate legacy of that great disruption
in our lives, in our bodies, in our minds
our spirits

[we spent a week with DueNeh and Guolahan on this land with 8 boys lost to their families, languages, ways of being, land, history. We did this in a good way. Deeply rich and meaningful.]

{click for larger view}

To not name the perpetual colonial realities alive in
our governance, politics, legislation, language, economics
and our own minds
is to give shame/guilt/anger/hurt/sadness 
power over us.
by naming, by not running away anymore,
we shed light on a darkness that we choose to let go.

what happened has happened.
we need to accept this - 

not as right, or just, or ok
but accept that our past was
residential schools
intentional assimilation

Only in this way are we able to come together
Let us be honest
and live together

1 comment:

Mystical Quaker said...

a beautiful description of a sacred moment in time. Lives overlaping with purpose and connection. I know it is not healthy for me to be envious so I will reflect on your experience and share but a fraction of it through your words and knowing your gentle spirit.